Saturday, June 18, 2011

Dajjal Documentary Part-1

The Call of True Islam

 Source: Islam and Dajjal
To people, who are aware to even a minimum degree of what is happening around them in this world, it does not come as any surprise what pitiable situation the population of about 1600 million or 160 crores people who claim themselves to be Muslims are in. They are being subjected to untold horror by all other peoples of this world, defeated in every aspect, insulted, humiliated and killed.

Dajjal, the anti-christ has appeared!!

Source: Islam and Dajjal

It will be in possession of two things similar to heaven and hell. What it will claim to be its heaven will actually be hell and what it will refer to as hell, will turn out to be heaven (Bokhari, Muslim). It will be in possession of huge quantities of 'rezk', meaning sustenance from which it will distribute among those who accept it as their Rub. They will dwell in prosperity, while those who oppose it will not be provided any sustenance from it. Furthermore, they will be imposed with sanctions and embargos. In this manner the Dajjal will enforce misery on Muslims (Bokhari, Muslim). The Messenger described the Dajjal as the gravest danger and the most alarming event to ever face mankind from the Creation of Adam to the Judgment Day (Muslim). To further stress on its importance, the Messenger of Allah himself sought refuge with Allah from the malaise (Fetnah) of the Dajjal (Bokhari).

The Reasons of The Fall

Source: Islam and Dajjal  
Now the question is why, what are the reasons of this change into the present miserable condition of the population called Muslim? According to the Creator of the Universe, this populace is supposed to be the best. Not only that, this populace is promised the authority in this world by Him, none of these is present.


Source: Islam and Dajjal

It is indisputable that the Din-ul-Huq is founded on Tawheed. As there is no Islam without Tawheed, it is of the utmost importance. Unfortunately this Tawheed is now misunderstood by the populace known as Muslims - Tawheed is now understood as belief and faith in Oneness of Allah and worshipping Him. Though the words Tawheed and Wahdaniyat (Oneness, unity of Allah) both originates from the same root, they don’t mean the same thing. Wahdaniyat means Oneness of Allah and Tawheed means sovereignty and unconditional obedience to that one Allah and Allah only.


Source: Islam and Dajjal

Starting from Adam (as) till the last Messenger of Allah everyone that Allah has sent for the guidance of mankind has been sent with the key-word La Elaha Ella Allah, there is none to be obeyed other than Allah i.e. the sovereignty of Allah followed by the name of the particular person declaring him to be a Messenger from Allah. Depending on the region, its climate, environment and other factors the codes, rules and regulations i.e. the Shariah has been different in the Din brought by the different Messengers.

Dajjal book_Chapter-1 Preface

Source: Islam and Dajjal

Over the last thousand and four hundred years, the coming of the one-eyed giant, the Dajjal, has remained the topic of numerous discussions and debates in Muslim households all over the world. However, the actual understanding of this enigmatic phenomenon remains as elusive to us as it was to the Companions of the Messenger of Allah so many centuries ago. It all began when Mohammad (s.a.s), the final and the greatest Messenger of Allah, told about the arrival of a giant on earth during the later time (Akheri Zamana), an event he has referred to as the greatest ever in the life of mankind.  

Friday, June 17, 2011

Dajjal book_Chapter-2 Importance of the Dajjal's

Source: Islam and Dajjal
The Messenger of Allah has said, 'There will be no greater event from the creation of Adam to the Last day, than the appearance of the  Dajjal'. -Emran bin Hussain (r.a), Muslim.

Dajjal book_Chapter-3 Identity of the Dajjal

 Source: Islam and Dajjal

Along with the prophecy of the appearance of the  Dajjal, the Messenger of Allah has left us some definite signs and symbols by which his Ummah or people can correctly identify and consequently be resistant to it and fight the impostor. In this chapter, the Hadith of the Messenger of Allah regarding the identity of the  Dajjal  will be put forward to get a clearer picture of the situation.

Dajjal book_Chapter-4 Other Hadis Concerning the Dajjal

AS I HAVE stated earlier in this book, many 'Sahih' or 'correct' Hadith have been omitted from the exclusive category due to their lack of unbroken 'esnad' or 'reporting'. The same holds true in the case of the Dajjal, where many true Hadith s have been similarly lost, yet one can tell by reading them- that they are genuine ones for they not only are collaborative with the documented and agreed ones, they complement and supplement them as well. One such is, -the Dajjal's mount will have one foot in the east and the other in the west. A few others are presented in the following.

Dajjal book_Chapter-5 The Dajjal in the Bible

Source: Islam and Dajjal

THE New Testament tells us that the Anti-Christ is to appear in the Last Hour. The literal meaning of the Anti-Christ is someone who defies or opposes Jesus; although the Biblical references do not as faultlessly and completely define the Judeo-Christian materialistic civilization as the Dajjal like the Hadith do, further explanations will prove that the same has been referred to here.

Dajjal book_Chapter-6 Yet,,,

 Source: Islam and Dajjal

WHILE it becomes clear from reading this book that the Judeo-Christian materialistic civilization is indeed the Dajjal with technological superiority as its vehicle, mount, it is not to say that science and technology are negative factors to be abandoned or rejected. Needless to say, whether a thing is a negative or positive factor depends on the use it is put to. The same weapon that can be made to fight evil and injustice in the name of Allah can also be used to strike fear into the hearts of innocent people and carry out mindless violence; therefore it is not the weapon or the instrument but rather how it is used that determines whether it is good or evil.

Dajjal book_Chapter-7 Present State of Mankind

 Source: Islam and Dajjal

THE prophecies uttered by the Rasul Allah 1400 years back regarding the era we live in today has come true to the last letter. For quite sometime now, there is not one inch of land or water that is not subservient to the will of the Dajjal, i.e. the mighty Judeo Christian Civilization.74True to it's being completely successful is dethroning the Maker from His lawful position as the sovereign and usurped the status for itself.

Dajjal book_Chapter-8 Actual Ebadat

IN THE last chapter, I have tried to detail the consequences arising from the changing of the meaning of the 'Kalema' 'La Elaha Ella Allah' to 'La Ma'bud Ella Allah'. In the collective national lives of mankind, all the directives, orders and prohibition ascribed by Allah himself have been rejected and set aside while the Dajjal has been accepted as the Elah with its prescribed doctrine implemented in all major issues. On the other hand, in their personal lives these people offer Salah (prayer), Saom, (fasting, self restrain), perform Hajj give in charity and consider themselves to be they are performing worshiping very well and living in complacency that the doors of Jannah (paradise) are open for them. Now let us see what Allah understands by Ebadat and what Ebadat does He actually expect from us?

Monday, June 13, 2011

Dajjal book_Chapter-9 A Unique Opportunity

Source: Islam and Dajjal

Hadith- "Those who resist and confront the cursed Dajjal, their honor, prestige and reward will be the same as the Shaheed (martyrs) of Badr and Ohud."-Abu Horayra (RA), Bokhari, Muslim.

The entire episode of the Dajjal is extremely important, especially so because no other event in the history of mankind can compare to the magnitude of this one event, this has been certified by the Messenger of Allah himself.

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